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manufactured soffit vents
made in Canada

wood SOFFIT VENTS look
GREAT on any home!

I saw your wood soffit vents strip on a friends new home and had to have them, too! We have just finished construction and WOW, how impressive! Looks waaaaaaaaay better than metal vents. Excellent product!

J&K, Golden, BC

Our Wood Soffit Vents

Quality Craftsmanship in our Wood Soffit Vent Strip

We manufacture our wood soffit vent s in 8-foot lengths and our pricing is on a per foot basis. The vents are available in two different sizes, our most popular is the 4 inch style; this was developed to compliment 4″ soffit material but is also regularly used with a 6″ T&G as well. Our 6 inch soffit vent strip is the exact width as a standard 6″ piece of T&G. We stock Style 64 in the 4″ & 6″ widths, in Fir, Pine and Clear Cedar.

Each Soffit Vent comes with a strip of black fiberglass screen that can easily be attached to the back of the Vent with a hand or air stapler. This should be done after staining or painting, and before the final installation.

Vent Strip Ordering

Please feel free to call and confirm pricing at any time and availability in your area.

Please allow up to 2 weeks for all other sizes and styles. Custom Request pricing is done on an individual basis.

Our prices do not include delivery. We will include delivery charges when quoting out your project.

Prices are subject to change dependent on current wood pricing.

Reasons to use our wood soffit vent strips:

  • Natural, solid wood construction
  • Traditionally hand-crafted using only the best pine, cedar, or fir
  • Canadian made in Sorrento, BC
  • Custom quotes available
  • Lots of styles available to fit most applications
  • Labor-saving installation

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quality hand crafted wood soffit vents

I just wanted to send a few pictures your way and let you know the vents look great. Thanks again for everything!

Jarod Taylor, Cole Camp, Missouri.

Whitehaven Wood Products Soffit Vents
roof ventilation with our vent strip
Whitehaven soffits

Our Selection of Quality Handcrafted Wood Soffit Vents:

(please click an image to see it larger)

For Maximum Ventilation (available in 4″ only): Style 32

Our Most Popular Style (with 1/2 inch slats): Style 64

An Alternative Look (with 1/4 inch slats): Style 95